Thursday, March 5, 2020

An Introverts Guide to Motivating Co-workers - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / An Introverts Guide to Motivating Co-workers - Introvert Whisperer An Introverts Guide to Motivating Co-workers Whether part of a team or in leadership, motivating co-workers can be a difficult, but necessary, task for any introvert. The reason for this necessity extends itself to job security, success, and overall well-being. Providing a call to action is critical for a successful leader and co-worker to rally their team. The goal of this guide is to remind those who identify as introverted of two key things. First, being introverted is not a problem. Many people that were considered introverted are regarded as thoughtful, creative, compassionate, and proper leaders. This list includes Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and as recent as Mark Zuckerburg. Secondly, leaders are deemed successful because they are able to motivate, and clearly move teammates to action. Praise Teammates While Theyre Working Toward a Goal, Not After Theyve Achieved It - Lifehacker Comfort and Confrontation Many of the times I spent in a cubicle felt like my freshmen college dorm room all over again. Just when you think you’ve graduated and escape this sort of behavior someone leaves a half full cereal bowl at his or her desk for weeks on end. I wasn’t perfect myself, I’m sure biking to work every morning had it’s effects on my coworkers as well. Although most terrible roommate behavior won’t make it to the office, this leads to our first step towards being a good introverted leader. Think about cleanly office habits and remember to lead by example. This goes beyond words, and is a very easy first step for the introvert. Clean up after yourself and take pride in appearances when in front of co-workers. Rarely does respect follow a messy leader who has no regard for shared space. Furthermore, it is important to become comfortable in the office. Body language and facial expressions can sometimes mean more than words. Simply making eye contact and smiling when a coworker passes by will show them that you care and are friendly, even without saying a word. This goes a long way, but the other side of this coin is that confrontation will occasionally happen, and introverts will have to face facts here.

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